Budi Haryanto


The research aimed to study the improvement of growth and carcass production of rabbits through the use of temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb) on ration.  The materials used were 25 heads of male rabbits of New Zealand White breed.  A Randomized Completely Block Design was used with five treatments, which were kinds of diet based on Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb levels.  Body weights were treated as blocks.  Variables measured consisted of dry matter consumption, growth (body weight gain) and carcass production (carcass weight).  Data was analysis using Multivariate Analysis.  Results revealed that the highest feed’s dry matter consumption was in C3 (135.42 g/head/day), the lowest was in C0 (93.23 g/head/day).   The C3, C2, and C4 treatments were significantly difference (P<0.05) to C0. The C2, C3 and C1 were significantly difference (P<0.05) to C0.  The highest body weight gain (18.85 g/head/day) was in C2, and the lowest were in C0 (12.71 g/head/day), and the highest carcass weight (989 g) based on slaughter weight was in C3, and the lowest (711 g) was in C0. (Animal Production 8(3): 190-195 (2006)


Key Words : Rabbit, growth, carcass weight, Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb

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