Yendraliza Yendraliza, Lia Lia, Jully Handoko, Anwar Efendi Harahap


The research aimed to evaluate the onset of estrus, conception rate, pregnancy rate and duration of estrus in Bali cow, limousine cow and rambon cow after being administered with three different hormones to syncrhronize estrus. A randomized block design with two factors, type of cow and hormone dose, was performed. Fifty-four postpartum cows consisted of the three breeds were administered to a single dose of PGF2α (5 ml per cow), a double dose of PGF2α (10 ml per cow) and combination of PGF2α and hCG (1,500 IU per cow). An analysis of variance showed that different breeds did not associate with the hormone doses and their combination, as evident from the onset of estrus, duration of estrus, conception rates and service per conception. However, different cow breeds showed the same onset of estrus, service per conception and the different onset of estrus and pregnancy rates. On the other hand, different doses of PGF2α and its combination with hCG generated different onset of estrus, duration of estrus, and pregnancy rates, but shared common service per conception. In conclusion, Bali cow demonstrated a more appropriate fertility than Limousin cow and Rambon cow. A combination of PGF2α and hCG showed the most adequate hormonal treatment to synchronize the estrus compared to single and double doses of PGF2α.


conception rate; duration of estrus; pregnancy rate; the onset of estrus

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